Here are six tips to a clean keyboard and how to keep yours in a near-pristine state:ĭon’t Get Your Keyboard Dirty in the First PlaceĪvoid eating over your keyboard to prevent crumbs from failing beneath the keys. Your computer’s primary input tool for getting work done, at least until perceptual computing comes to market, will soon be ready to help you be as efficient as possible. In less than an hour, your laptop’s keyboard will be ready for another wave of cookie crumbs, cola drips and french fry seasoning. You can make those keys shine again with only a little bit of effort. How far from a clean keyboard are you? Are the keys glossy from finger grease? Are there specks of soda on worn letters? How ants do love those crumbs lodged beneath your space bar.
Even if you’re not ready for some spring cleaning, odds are that your laptop, Ultrabook or desktop PC keyboard is.